
I have a confession to make...

I'm really REALLY bad at blogging lately! How is it that it's Sunday night, I have all these plans for the week and posts to write and before you know it it's another Sunday night again?! Please tell me it gets better once Maura gets a bit older.

Truth be told Maura has been going through teething hell for the last month or so (worse than before so actually the whole household was in teething hell too) but she now has two teeth to show for all the agony and torture!
(Here's one-and-a-half teeth before they cut all the way through)

Pair that along with the busiest time of the year for long arm quilting and trying to decorate and get ready for Christmas and yeah... Somewhere in that mess I lost my mind and it doesn't look promising that it will return any time soon.
Meeting Santa for the first time - no smiles to be had!

I'm quickly typing this while Maura entertains herself in baby jail (the playpen) at the moment. She is usually such a happy cheerful baby, but those darn teeth can turn her into a little demon spawn at a moment's notice and until she either passes out or the ibuprofen kicks in, she is very very clingy. And big. We go to the doctor for her nine month check up later this week and I'm nervous - she may be within an inch of half my height at this appointment by the way she's been growing! She's been wearing 18-24 month clothes already!

So anywho, that's what I've been up to and why I haven't blogged much. I have gotten a bunch more quilts finished and I need to catch up on sharing pictures of those.

Last tidbit before I go - I have been quilting up a storm - so much so that I'm ahead of schedule and taking in quilts for 2017! If you'd like to discuss a quilt or get on the schedule, please email me at rubybluequilts (at) gmail (dot) com or call me at 440-567-1688! Gotta go!


  1. You have more than enough reasons to be behind on your blogging. I don't know how you do all that you do and still remain sane! Your little girl is precious. Hopefully the teething will be less stressful during the holidays -- give her some eggnog and she will sleep like a log. lol Or freeze something that she can suck on to ease the pain of the teething. OR if all fails, grab a bottle of wine for yourself. Have a very Happy and Merry Christmas.

  2. Rebecca, hang in there and be kind to yourself. It might not seem like it now but teething doesn't last forever! As Dar said, something cold for Maura to gnaw on often works wonders. It's so hard for your little one to have all that pain and no way to clearly articulate what she needs. Hold on to the joy you get from her when things are going well, and the joy you get from the quilting you are able to do. Playpen jail within eye- and ear-shot when she's awake can be good for both of you. Take care. Happy Holidays!


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