

Or Delicious for all of you who do not speak French - like me. This post will be about one of the things I love most - FOOD!!!

I'll admit, being our first trip to a country where neither my Hubbin or I speak the language, we did eat at a few familiar places. BUT, they are so different from our restaurants here, I really honestly don't consider them that similar.

We found this awsome little mom & pop pizza place at the end of our street that had the most phenominal food. I'm drooling just thinking about it.
 It had the best pizzas (which they call individual but they're as large as a medium pizza here), and my Hubbin got this sandwich for dinner one night:
 It said it was a Steak au hache (hamburger we later found out) sandwich with french fries. We didn't realize they were on the sandwich... but I had a wrap of the same thing and it was sooooo good.
 And the bakery across the street was so yummy with delights of all sorts. Like this:
 A Chocolate Banana Eclair. It's my new favorite flavor and you'll find out why soon.
 This was what they called an Opera. It's a ton of chocolate and coffee covered by the best ganache I've ever tried.
 This was another afternoon snack of pecan pie, apple crumble tart and chocolate tart. It's really hard ot walk into a Patisserie with a Sweet Tooth and not walk out without a small sampling...
 And this was my crepe cooking away soon to be covered in Nutella and Bananas. Yes, Nutella and Bananas. This is the one I heard the most about of all the fillings you can get with your crepe. I took one bite and was in heaven. So I had Nutella at home, we now have bananas and I will be having my own version of this tonight for dessert! Try it, you'll love it!
And we did eat a bunch of street food like the crepes and tarts. This was my lunch at the Louvre. For lunch a baguette sandwich (this one is Chicken and Spinach) with a pop and bag of chips can be bought just about anywhere. We had so much to see and so little time to see it, we ate on the run a bunch. This was also a tad interesting for a meal - the flavors of chips available are amazing. If you look closely the chips I had we Savory Roasted Chicken with Thyme! They tasted like Stove Top Stuffing, it was weird but good!

We had all sorts of goodies, but these were some of my favorites. What do you think of these flavors from France? Let me know what you think. More Paris to come soon!

Au revoir!!!

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