

We just got the word today that Ben is finally going back to work! He's been laid off for over 2 months now and we're both so excited for him to go back to work (some people maybe more than others (: )

It was nice to spend the time together when we could, I just wish it was under different circumstances. But, we were able to spend more time together in I think the longest span ever during our marriage... and that I appreciate. Notoriously since we've been together Ben and I always end up working different shifts, and it will continue again starting next Tuesday.

And sorry if I've been a little quiet. Not knowing how long he was going to be off of work, my one part-time job offered me a full time position and I took them up on their offer. It seemed like the only answer at the time. So now I'm full time on 1st shift and Ben is on 2nd shift. At least it was nice to see each other while we could...
Lord knows afternoons like this one won't be happening for awhile now. But it was nice while it lasted!

I love you, Ben, and I'm so proud of you!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Layoffs can be so stressful. I am happy for both of you.


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