

Mariner's Compass Revisted

So you've seen this quilt before in this post, but it needed a little touch up. Not really a "touch up" but "a little extra love" we'll call it.
 All of these areas are fine in the foreground, but do you see that strip of lighter blue?
 When I first quilted this I honestly didn't know what to do in this small border. And as I was working on the quilt I didn't have time to finish it up before I left for Fall Market. It's about and inch and a half wide and was all smooth until it got folded and loved upon. Then the wrinkles started so I loaded it back up this past week and did pebbling in it.
 But it did give me a chance to take better pictures with my new camera with the sun shining in!
 I forgot how many details and areas had different quilting in them like the above shot.
 I love the ropes and the waves and all of the nautical themes that got added into the quilting.
 Mom chose awesome colors for this quilt (my Mom made this quilt and owns Cottonpickers Quilt Shop which is now a Judy Niemeyer Certified Shop!). Oh and did I mention they're offering classes by either my Mom, Beth, or with Certified Instructor Sue Wilson? AND, soon there will be a kit available for purchase to make this quilt in these (or very very similar) fabrics??? If you want to reserve your kit, e-mail Mom ASAP at cottonpickersquiltshop(at)gmail(dot)com.
 So now it's all officially quilted and finished! Yay! I truly can't get enough of this quilt.
 Oh, and with the sun finally out (which is SUPER RARE this time of year in Ohio) I was able to get the pictures of the quilting on the back I couldn't get back in October!
 Love Love LOVE!
It amazes me that the quilting shows up this great with just a bit of sun! What a novel idea, sun! Sorry, we really don't get to see it that often in the winter.

One last wonderful tidbit of info - this quilt will also be hanging at the Lake Farmparks Quilts 2013 Show next month! This is Mom's entry and it will be available for your viewing pleasure if you can make it. If not I'll  be doing my own little picture journey of the show again this year. And as promised before I will keep you posted on how this quilt (as well as the others I've shown being entered into the show) do this year. This year promises to be awesome!

Now I just need a bit of help convincing Mom that this quilt would be THE BEST birthday present ever! What do you think? She has time to think about it... like a few months or six... hehehehe


1 comment:

  1. I love going through your camera lens! Your Mom's quilt is beautiful I hope it wins big time!


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