

Announcing the Winners!

Thank you all for the captions and names for my squirrels. Incidentally, I haven't seen them much these last few days, but I'm sure they'll be back around later this week as the temperatures dip pretty low and they'll need to feed on some more corn.

I had such a hard time trying to decide which posts I liked best so I let decide for me. Paco here is going to help me announce the winners (if he can stay awake that is):
And the winners are:

Name: Grizzly. Nickname: The Grizz

Name: Mr. B
(B for Brown)

I would name him Bob. That is our go to name when we can't remember someone's name.

I bought my daughter (she's six) a squirrel feeder for Christmas. She loves the squirrels but we are trying to keep them away from the bird feeder. She was so excited that they have their own food now. They finally found it yesterday, we put it out on Christmas. They do provide lots of entertainment!

Alright ladies, congrats! I'll be sending you an e-mail in the next few minutes. Please e-mail me back with your snail mail address and your two choices of patterns (view them all here)

Thank you all again for your comments and I'll try to be back with another giveaway soon!


  1. Thank you! I think it is way too much excitement for Paco. What a cutie!

  2. Congratulations to the winners!!!!!


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