

Cold Jaunt to Pittsburgh

Earlier this week Mom and I packed up the van to the gills with all sorts of goodies and headed to Pittsburgh. I love being able to travel like this, but some little ones in my house didn't like it so much:
I hardly have the opportunity to get pictures of the both of them in one shot, I didn't think this one was too bad. 
 Last weekend Duncan got groomed and they always do such a good job. He even wears the scarf for a few days until it eventually falls off.
We noticed once he came back from the groomers how gray he's getting around his eyes. My little senior dog! I LOVE this picture. He's such a Momma's boy and to be honest, the only way I got this many pictures of him this well was I was holding his new favorite toy hostage... But it worked!

But alas, Mom and I packed up and headed to Pittsburgh on Monday. We were speaking at a local guild that night giving a small trunk show of my patterns and the Judy Niemeyer patterns Mom is carrying at her shop (Cottonpickers Quilt Shop in Chardon, OH). We made a small stop at Ikea on the way... WHY HAVE I NEVER BEEN THERE BEFORE???

Many people have told me Ikea is nice. No one ever said until recently that I needed to go. If I knew what I know now I would have made out like a bandit when we bought our house... But now I know and Ben is in sooooo much trouble. We may have to go back very very soon!

But back to the program, we visited the East Quilt Company Guild in Pittsburgh with about 100 members. The day we came was the first of a major cold snap in the area, with temperatures in single digits, but the attendance to the meeting was still good!
 Mom went first and showed off the Judy Niemeyer quilts she has been working on.
 I would have gotten more pictures but these ladies meant business and I was helping to hold up quilts, then it was my turn for the trunk show and they shopped with a purpose. Before I knew it we were packing up and getting ready to brave the cold.

The next day we did a workshop with the ladies and with all good intentions I had my camera but the ladies were so intent on sewing their little hearts out that I didn't get the chance to use it at all. Plus it was probably frozen due to the fact it was all of 6 degrees outside! It's been really cold all week, yesterday was the warmest I think and the highest I saw the temp. rise was about 16 degrees. A tad bit chilly!

If you would be interested in a trunk show or a workshop, please e-mail me at rubybluequilts (at) gmail (dot) com. My schedule is fairly open at the moment, but is filling up. I plan on posting a schedule on the blog here in the coming days. Keep in mind I am willing to teach both regular patterns and patterns from my book, Seamingly Scrappy, once it's released in a couple weeks.

Hope you're all staying warm and I'll be back to post pictures of the snow we've been getting up here. I actually had to take a snow day this week because it was snowing so hard I wasn't sure I could get up the drive to get to the long-arm or not. Tis' the season I guess. Toodles!


  1. I was at the meeting at Quilt Co East-and dang it was so cold. You and your mom did a terrific trunk show. Thanks so much.
    And Ikea-is definitely awesome!

  2. Next time yo're in Pittsburgh , go to the Strip district and check out Loom Textiles--cool area and cool store.


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