

Seamingly Scrappy is Ready for Preorders!!!

So hop on over to my shop to reserve your own AUTOGRAPHED COPY of my book, Seamingly Scrappy, today!

For more views of projects in the book, head on over to to see all of the quilts.

The book is due out in mid February, it's getting closer and closer everyday. I just can't stand it! Atleast I have an excuse for a happy dance every day.

As we get closer I'll discuss the book a bit further and feature some of the quilts, but for now just remember that if you want to reserve a signed copy of the book, the only place you can get them is in my shop.

Have a great weekend and I'm going to try to ditch this cold, again. Toodles!

1 comment:

  1. The book looks great! Congratulations xx I've made one of your designs from the moda bake shop before and really enjoyed it.


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