

Sad Sad Day

I don't like to share sad news on here, but sometimes it is needed. Or it is needed for the people needing support.

I'm sad to report that over the weekend we lost a local quilt shop as well as 12 other businesses in a historic Main Street setting in Garrettsville, OH. The businesses were all housed in a block on Main Street and a fire was reported about 1:15 pm Saturday. Within just a few hours all was lost. This is a photo that says it all:
So sad to report, right smack dab in the middle of this block was the beloved Shaker Tree Quilt Shop. Owners Randy and Kim are sad to lose so much of their lives so fast (this shop was their home away from home) and they are still processing the situation.

As the plans for the future of this store and this community develop, I will keep you all posted and see if there is some way that we can help. For now, if you could just say a prayer for all of those affected and remember that everything can change in an instant, that would be great.

Luckily to report, if there's anything good that came out of this situation, no injuries or fatalities. It was a quick moving fire, yet everyone was able to get out in time.

One again I will keep you posted...

1 comment:

  1. Prayers for all those poor folks who had businesses and jobs there...absolutely awful!


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